
Coconut Oil -Organic RBD Versus Extra Virgin Organic

Coconut Oil -Organic RBD Versus Extra Virgin Organic

Coconut Oil -Organic RBD Versus Extra Virgin Organic: Bill has a very lengthy history in the edible oil industry. He can tell you almost anything you’d want to know about oils, including their origins, the rise in popularity of these products, their “old” price, and their benefits. He is extremely knowledgeable and concerned about providing our customers with the best items available. Great products come from having great ingredients

Organic RBD Coconut Oil **New pricing!! - 55_gallons_418_pounds

Refined, bleache, and deodorized (RBD) is one trigger found in the natural and organic environment. RBD conjures up visions of these exquisite plant oils having all of their sweetness completely remove when they are poured through a vat of bleach. While some producers do refine their products with harsh chemicals, there are alternative methods for making RBD products. Here is some information on the processing methods used to create our organic coconut oil and organic extra virgin coconut oil.

Our main focus is on the quality of the products we carry.

With the exception of products like fractionated coconut oil and MCT oil, which are market differently and go through additional processes, there are really just three varieties of coconut oil available on the market. They are as follows:

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• RBD Organic Coconut Oil, which is non-chemical. Alternatively known as refined coconut oil, the procedure is essentially the same.
• Dry-process virgin or extra virgin organic coconut oil

• Virgin Coconut Oil, or EV (wet process).

RBD Organic Coconut Oil is organic in fact. Unlike traditional refining, organic refining does not employ harsh chemicals like lye to eliminate impurities. Citric acid is use in the initial stage of organic refining to eliminate contaminants and trace metal ions that could otherwise accelerate the oxidation of the oil. Subsequently, the oil is filter via a filtration aid consisting of a fine, inert powder and activate carbon, effectively eliminating additional contaminants and pigment/color compounds.

In order to eliminate scent/flavor compounds and contaminants such free fatty acids and peroxides that are present in the unrefined oil, it is then steam deodorize at a high temperature and vacuum. In addition to being separated and/or filtered out, activated carbon and citric acid are recognized process aids under organic standards. This product is therefore unquestionably certified organic. Although the RBD Coconut Oil is certified organic, it does not fall under the 100% organic category due to the usage of filter assist powder, activated carbon, and citric acid as process aids. We usually recommend that the Organic Coconut Oil RBD be regarde or compute as 99% organic, even if it’s actually closer to 99.999%, as these process aids have been eliminate.

Dry Process Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil

This product is unrefined. The fresh coconut meat is first blanched under steam, then it is shredd and dry in the oven. After being expeller press and passing through several stages of increasingly finer filtering, the dried coconut is package. That is the entire procedure. Since there are no other modifications, the EV Coconut Oil is regard as 100% organic under NOP organic requirements.

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It is only coconut. White in color, organic extra virgin coconut oil tastes and smells deliciously like coconut. There is a noticeable and tactile distinction between extra virgin and organic coconut oils; nonetheless, standard organic coconut oil is what you should use if you prefer not to taste or smell like coconut.

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (wet process)

Some suppliers also refer to this as the centrifuge process. The coconut is not dry throughout this procedure. After pressing the coconut while it’s still wet, the wet oil slurry is centrifuge to extract the water phase. Since this method avoids the high temperature oven drying step, it is prefer by people who wish to identify the coconut oil as raw. Because of the increased moisture, we are not currently carrying this EV Organic Coconut Oil because of the increased risk of microbial growth and accelerated rancidity.


There are no formal definitions for the labels “Virgin” or “Extra Virgin” in Coconut Oil, unlike in Olive Oil where they are govern by international accords. Therefore, virgin or extra virgin coconut oil can essentially refer to any unrefined coconut oil. We decide to refer to her as an Extra Virgin.

Traditional coconut oils and MCT (fractionated coconut oil) are not the same. The majority of MCT oils come from palm oil. MCT/Fractionated Coconut Oil is a liquid that has no coconut flavor or aroma.

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